How Munched is That Birdie in the Window?

The Simpsons - Season 22 - Episode 7 - How Munched is That Birdie in the Window?
Watch The Simpsons -How Munched is That Birdie in the Window? online

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About this Simpsons episode:
The Simpsons - How Munched is That Birdie in the Window? is the 7th episode of season 22 and number 471 overall in the series.
The title of the episode referes to a song called "How Much is that Doggie in the Window written by Bob Merrill and Ingrid Reuterskiöld in 1952.
Bart nurses an injured pigeon back to health, but when Santa's Little Helper eats the bird, Bart must decide whether to forgive his dog or give him away once and for all.

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