Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?

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The Simpsons - Season 3 - Episode 24 - Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
Watch The Simpsons - Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes? online

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About this "The Simpsons" episode:
The Simpsons - "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?" is the 24th  episode of season 3 and number 59 overall in the series, also marking the end of season 3.
In this episode Homer has serious fertility problems due to radiations caused by his working place at the Nuclear Power Plant. For this inconvenience the company awards him with 2,000 USD compensation.
Homer has a half-brother named Herb, which is not doing to good, being homeless and living on streets. Herb comes to Homer (for help) with a plan to regain his social  status, name, wealth and the good life he use to have. His plan involves the money Homer received, to invest them into developing a new product that will translate baby gibberish into speech.
I don't what to spoil it, so, all I will say is that Herb's product becomes a huge success.


  1. I love episodes centered on Maggie.

  2. When Herb was talking to Maggie while she was asleep, I thought he was planning something nefarious.... Silly me

  3. this is a great episode! It comes in my personal top 10 :P
