Brother from the Same Planet

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The Simpsons - Season 4 - Episode 14 - Brother from the Same Planet
Watch The Simpsons - Brother from the Same Planet online

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About this "The Simpsons" episode:
The Simpsons - Brother from the Same Planet is the 14th episode of season 4 and number 73 overall in the series.
After leaving Bart alone at soccer practice, Homer's inept parenting prompts Bart to get a "Bigger Brother" named Tom. Homer finds out about this and decides to get revenge by taking part in the "Bigger Brother" program and taking charge of a young boy names Pepi. Pepi and Homer begin to bond and Bart starts to regret taking advantage of the program. At an aquarium, Homer and Tom meet and begin to brawl and Homer is injured. Tom becomes Pepi's new Bigger Brother and Bart bonds with Homer by asking him to share his knowledge of fighting. Meanwhile, Lisa becomes addicted to calling a 1-900 number featuring a pretty-boy celebrity named Cory.

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